Bảy cách pha cà phê tuyệt diệu

Bảy cách pha cà phê tuyệt diệu

Seven wonderful way coffee

Café traditional mixed drinks has always been favored by many. With so many delicious things to add to the coffee maker, you will have the opportunity to enjoy more of the new taste of coffee.

1. Cream flavor

You can mix the butter cream cup with your favorite flavor into your coffee cup.

2. Syrup

The syrups can be used to create flavors for carbonated drinks, so you can use them to add to the coffee maker itself to indulge in a whole new way.

3. Hot Chocolate

Half coffee, half hot chocolate ... sounds quite attractive, right? It's not really a mocha coffee cups because it does not have many little coffee in it. But please believe me, the taste of it is also very tasty.

4. Peppermint and chocolate

If you like coffee and cocoa mix, try adding a little syrup mint or mints to experience strange taste.

5. Cinnamon

Sprinkle a little cinnamon in your cup of coffee, or use a cinnamon stick to stir the coffee flavor is desired to create it.

6. Wine Irish cream

The combination of coffee and Irish cream liquor will bring you a new beverage with excellent flavor.

7. orange-flavored liqueur

This is a new way of mixing more with the coffee. However, not everyone likes the way this combination.

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